Saturday 16 August 2014

August clothing/shoes/perfume haul!

With my holidays still to come I haven't been able to resist a bit of shopping.

I've just bought this lovely jacket from New Look. It looks even nicer in real life and it certainly brightens up an outfit.

I also bought these shorts from Primark, but don't worry I won't be wearing them with the above (or below) jacket! They're a bit outrageous for me, but I'll probably only ever wear them on holiday!
The photo is from Primark's Twitter page.

I also bought one of these gorgeous bags in powder blue. From the two different styles in the photo I much prefer the one with the double buckle fastening on the front, but they didn't do it in powder blue.

They did do it in this gorgeous spotty print though and I was tempted to buy both bags, but sadly left this one on the shelf. I'll definitely buy it if I get the chance to go back any time soon as it's adorable.

I also ordered these wedges this week. I haven't bought a pair of wedges for ages. These are on

I was also really pleased to find DKNY Sweet Delicious Tart Key Lime perfume from I have mentioned this before in previous posts. I was going to get it last year, but it was out of stock everywhere.
I'm so pleased I've managed to find it.

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