Tuesday 31 January 2017

January Favourites 2017

Here are the products I have been loving this month.

I have used so many different fragrances this month, but I have used Vivienne Westwood's Let It Rock three or four times. It's a lovely, warming, spicy scent.

I have been using this Sanctuary Spa moisture rich foot butter. It is quite thick and has a lovely scent. I have yet to find a Sanctuary Spa product that I don't like.

I have been wearing my bunny print scarf a lot this month. I got it from Oasis a while ago and I love the colour and the print.

I have rediscovered this non-retractable lipstick from Avon in the colour Reddy To Go. It is really easy to apply and lasts on my lips.

I won't pretend that I don't still love my EOS lip balms most of all but I have had this Burt's Bees Vanilla Bean lip balm by my bed and I'm pretty pleased with it.

I bought this Ansoka Green Grass candle from Ikea a while ago. I have been burning it this month and it smells amazing.

I have been loving Dead Sea Spa Magik's Salt Brushing. It has a lovely fresh, citrusy scent. It is a great exfoliator and it contains coconut oil to help hydrate the skin. I would definitely buy this again.

I have been wearing my silver one carat aquamarine pendant a lot this month. I love the colour. It just has a hint of blue. I love the simplicity of the design. I also have the ring to match.

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