Sunday 28 June 2015

Avon's Christian Lacroix fragrance range

I know it is barely summer yet, but I have been looking forward to autumn since early spring! I love autumn, but last year was the first year I got really excited for it and the thought of pumpkin scented candles is what excites me the most!

I have been admiring my rather large perfume collection today and I came across some lovely scents that remind me of autumn including Avon's Christian Lacroix fragrances, which I think are more appropriate for autumn and winter as they are quite spicy and heavy.

They have released four fragrances in this range so far and I have collected all of them. They are available exclusively through Avon.

Rouge was the first to be released in 2007. I initially didn't like it as it is quite a heavy, spicy scent, but it has really grown on me. I only tend to wear it in the autumn and winter as I think it is a bit too heavy for spring and summer.

Absynthe was the second release in 2009. It is also quite spicy, but has floral and earthy dimensions as well. It is quite unusual and it lasts well.

Nuit came next in 2011 and it is another lovely scent. It is spicy, but also has a sweet, creamy musk in it and it is a lot more wearable than the previous two releases. It is one of my fragrances that springs to mind when I think of the autumn approaching.

Ambre is the latest fragrance which came out in 2014 and it is a lot sweeter than the others. It has notes of berries and caramel. Amber is also one of the base notes giving the fragrance a slightly heavier scent.

I think there will be more fragrances added to this line eventually. They also do a masculine version of each of the fragrances in the range. I have tried some of them and they're really nice as well.

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